YakuzaBattle Ad
nxp 5000 Sezon4+iteme noi Full Stat 65k Server Public roman-englez NonStop XP 5000 + items.lvl Sezon4 new full 65k State Public Romanian-English NonStop
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Rivendare WOTLK 3.3.3a
One of the oldest polish server still in development on patch 3.3.3a.Exp rates x2 and rest of rate x1.Join us today!
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hellowow private server
wow org
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Sands of Time
Brand new server/ need staff/ 3.3.3a/ have any problems email me at twkirkus@yahoo.com
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iDoom flyff privat servers
V15 Server | No Hamachi! | No Wipes | No Donations (CS Items in NPC) | No PK Ponition | 100% Lagfree | max. 2500 Players online | Anti-Hack | Level cap: 200 Official/Custom Events | Guild Siege | Maps and all Skills working | Crystal Weapons/Dryad A
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306 themademanmafia
mafia game
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307 Protocol™
Acitve & Amazing Community || 21 Skills || All Spells || Great Economy || Great Minigames || No lag || 24/7 Uptime || What are you waiting for? Join Today!
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308 SpaceConquer
SpaceConquer is a space strategy game where players scattered throughout the four corners of the world, compete at the same time. You can Build up your fleets, Colonize planets, Join alliances, Raid your enemies, and build up your Empire in Space!
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309 Chaotic Pk WEBCLIENT
Chaotic Pk, webclient, forum, 317, Pest control, barrows, chaos elemental, barbarian assault, CHaoticPk point shop (get points from slayer tasks, pking, etc.) Skiller area, slayer tower, rock crabs for training, Pk zones, (East dragons, West dragons,
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310 ImperialRO
Servidor Dedicado 24/7 || Low Rates 5x/5x/5x || Maximo nivel 99/70 || 3Ş Clase 120/70 || Fecha de salida: 01-06-2010 || No custom || 3 Eventos semanales || Staff muy competente || Última versión - No bug\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Skill 3Ş Clas
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311 L2UpHero Epilogue
xp:10,sp:10,drop,10,adena,10,SERVER OPENED 28.04.2010
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312 Moons Trintity WOTLK 3.3.3A
Moons WoW is a High Rate server with Good World Drop Rates, Starting Gear Vendors, Working Arenas and Battlegrounds, All Heroic Instances Working and Many Instance Events running.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nPlease Come and h
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313 Ultimatum
Ultima Online Old School... The way your daddy played it!
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314 Tomb of qin shi private server
Tomb of Qin-Shi Private Server - [No lag] [No donations] [24/7 up time] [99%free of bugs] [create an account in 3 minutes] aplly now
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315 Pandemonium - Shard Italiano WoW 3.3.3a
Italian WoW Server 3.3.3a Blizzlike, with Vehicle support, Full Bg and Arena support, Full DK quests support, ICC support, Quests spell, Tools, Voting and Rewards, and much much more.
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316 Tragedy-throne [24/7]
Join us 24/7 dedicated host Need admins and mods and most GFX ppl http://forum-tragedy-throne.com
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317 Mu XR 97D
Version:97d 99i(/post) EXP:2000 drop:100% MaxPlayer:100 PointLVLUP:5/7 Kundun Box:+1,+2,+3(in shop) JWL Shop: JWL Soul,Choas Wings lvl 1 In shop
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318 Divine-Prodigy
CLICK HERE! | New Server | Need Staff | 24\\\\\\\\7 | Great customs | All Minigames | Active Owners | Great forums | join now! | CLICK HERE! |
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319 Mu New Destiny
Mu Online Season 4 Epi2 Full 100% todo\\r\\nEventos Full \\r\\nExp 1000 Drop 60%\\r\\n\\r\\nEvento Fin de Semana Sabados y Domingos \\r\\nExp 1500 Drop 80%
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320 MuGodplaY Season 3
Details: Xp 9999x, drop 70%, no boks in shop,no wings, no jewels,no quest! Events:Castle Siege,Cry Wolf,Blood castle,Devil square,kanturu kore event! join now with us!
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321 FuLL-PvP
l2interlude-moondance-FullPvP 0 LAG Anti-guall-CUstom GMSHOP SET NPCS ZONA SPECIALES ZONA PVP x2500 adena350 TvT Eventos Olym
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322 FlamedScape
A 317 With Custom\\\\\\\'s And Summoning
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323 GodsPks
Bringing back what we all loved! Up 24/7, No lag, Great econ. and looking for staff!
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324 L2 Evolution
The new and evolved lineage 2 experience. Just Try it
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325 DemesticPk
Full Godwars || Duel Arena || Active players || Webclient || Pking/Skilling || No Lagg || Custom bosses || Custom items || Great economy || Helpfull staff || 24/7 uptime || Come join the fun!
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326 FusionOnline 3.3.5
We support 3.3.5/Helpful GMs/Full Donation Gear/Fun Server/ Full Working PvP Server/High Rates x500/Working Lich King Script/Anti-cheat System/Donation for GM/Max Level 80/Starting Gear/Custom Gear.
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327 TitansMU
TitansMU Season4 Informacion General Experiencia: 50x Item Drop: 30% Zen Drop: 1.0 (Original) Experiencia Master: 60x Bless Bug: OFF Monsters HP: 100% Web: http://www.titansmu.com.ar/ Foro: http://foro.titansmu.com.ar/ Opciones del Ju
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328 Crest-Gaming
Realm Name: Crest-Wotlk\\r\\nServer Type: PVP\\r\\nServer Site:www.crest-gaming.info/wotlk\\r\\nServer Realm: Set Realmlist logon.crest-gaming.info\\r\\nServer Rates:hghi\\r\\n\\r\\nXp Rate: 22x\\r\\nDrop Rate: 22x\\r\\nQuest: 22x\\r\\nCrafting: 5x\\
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329 wow-elite-server 3.3.5.a
Deutscher 3.3.5.a Higher Rate Server 5x ..Root Server - kein HomePC..Nettes Team und Community; TS3 include, Regelmässige Fixxes und Update´s. Jeder nette Spieler ist Willkommen!!!! Eigene Startquest ,Teleporter zum Beamen ,Duale Talente,Fast jede In
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330 Madness Mu Online Season II || Exp 500x || Drop 50%
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331 Frozen-MU Online :: Season 4
• Frozen MU • Version: Season IV • Exp: 1200x • Drop: 75% • Good Spots • Skill Tree • Custom Shops • Duel System • Socket System • Friendly Staff • 24/7 Online •\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nJoin us and say NO to 9999x servers!
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332 Black-Dagger 3.3.3
Black-Daggers Instant80 PvP-Server ShopNpc\'s in Orgrimmar/Sturmwind SucheNachGruppeChannel für alle Dungeonbrowser/BGs/Arenateams Startgold : 1000 Regelmäßige Events VIP-System 1 Bot für alle BG für 2 vs 2
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333 Car Racing Game
NitoWars is a simple car racing game. You begin with a low-end car. Your job is to race and gain a level. Each level up give\'s you a small amount of ingame money which can you spend for driver or car upgrades, event for a new car. You can also compl
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334 517 Epic pvp
epic pking this server rocks over 300 pluse pkers every day everything works full runescape but pking is ten times better here we have the best 517 client out there dl link http://www.mediafire.com/?3jnnankyz2j visit fourms at http://517pvp.forumo
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335 Light Future
Rádi bychom Vám představili náš nový server. Server je v provozu od měsíce května roku 2010, nevznikl ovšem jako „výstřel do tmy“, pár desítek hráčů jsme měli zajištěny již několik týdnů přede dnem oficiálního spuštění serveru.
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336 Flame-WoW Cataclysm First Server
Join To The First Cataclysm Sever ever,\\r\\nnew dungeos , new battlegrounds working events , many players, friendly gm\\\\\\\'s High Rate No Lag / Bug Free & ICC fully Spawned
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337 WoW-Titans Quality Private Server 3.3.3
WoW-Titans Private Server 3.3.3, High Rates 20x classic realm!! Join us and see a world with the most advanced gaming ever!Balanced classes, full working spells, working vehicles, arenas with s8 s7, ICC full working (Lich king retail scripted)!5000+
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338 RyanScape Pkz
RyanScape Pkz Full working duel arena with staking also some other skills working such as firmaking woodcutting and fishing
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339 ~~ONISCAPE~~ :: Evolution has arrived!
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340 BloodyWOLF
 Versiune Grasia FINAL **** EXP:50x *** SP:20 *** DROP ADENA:100 *** DROP ITEMS:20 *** >>>Join Us Now!!!
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341 GodMuOnline
x1500!! drop x 90!! quest items in shops !! special grand reset system!! box+1+2+3+4+5 !! Friendly GMs!! PvP zone in the center of Lora !!! Join us !!!
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342 Fox Mu
Muy buen server 99b+dl estilo season Recomendado
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343 WoWall
Realmlist: login.wowall.eu Emu: MaNGOS Database: YTDB Game version: 3.3.5a (Latest) Location Hosting: Czech Republic Server language: Czech/Slovak Uptime: nonstop (99,9%) Hamachi: No Rate: High (3x Kill, 3x Quest, 2x Explore, 2x Money, 3x Ref
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344 L ][ HellSing Gracia Final!
Informaçőes: 1000x Xp 1000x Adena 1000x Sp No Custom ..100%funcionando TvT CTF DM OLLy Certificados Tudo Funcionando Perfeitamente...Venham Conferir
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345 Wild WoW
[x20 rates] [Without Lag] [In need of players] [Friendly Staff] [come and Join Us]
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346 Yakuzawarlords
Free RPG! The origional Mafia! Yakuza! Become a warlord and dominate! Murder, Steal, Rob, Attack to become the best Yakuza Warlord!
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347 RLRO ~ Reino Latino
Why Latin America came to Ragnarok! Come and enjoy a challenge, you\'re pro? Prove it! Drop Balanced, Perfect Rates ... Made for the best! · 3rd Class C / skill · Server dedicated 24 / 7 * you waiting for? Waiting for you *
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348 SLipknotic WoW(x5 rates 3.3.2)
Forums: slipknotic.no-ip.biz/Forums Reg: slipknoticwow.com Realm list: slipknotic.no-ip.biz Version 3.3.2
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349 WoW LifeStyle
Fun Server | Fun Rates | Shop Mall | 3.3.2a Patch | Honor rate x10 | 24/7 uptime | 1 realm | Start lvl 80, start money 99k | A8 ant T10 items for honor point! | Join Best Latvian Fun Serevr!
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350 Black-DaggersWoW
Black-Daggers Highrate PvP-Server 2 PT´s Allgemeiner World-Chat Klassenquest passen sich dem Level an T1-8,5 + S1-6 im PT kaufbar Regelmäßige Events + Tagesevent VIP-System
In:0 Out:181

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