.:::TheProfessor:::.. Lineage2 InterludE
Site Information | |
Category: | Lineage 2 Top 100 |
Site Name: | .:::TheProfessor:::.. Lineage2 InterludE |
Site URL: | http://l2theprofessor.activoforo.com/ |
Date Signed Up: | 15/07/2009 |
Site Banner: | |
Gold Member: | No |
Site Description: |
Bratz: PVP RateXp = 6000. RateSp = 6000. RatePartyXp = 2. RatePartySp = 2. RateDropAdena = 5000. RateDropItems = 10. RateDropSpoil = 5. RateDropManor = 1 Siegehard: LOW RateXp = 8. RateSp = 8. RateParty |
Active: | Yes |
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