World Of Warcraft Top 100

Free WoW Servers, WoW Private Servers

YakuzaBattle Ad
351 Free Blizzlike WoW Server
Hamachi System !
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-==Dark Crystal wow==-
Burning Crusade 2.1.X :: High rate Realm x30 :: Powerful Dedicated Server :: Fast Connection :: Lag-Free :: Constant Uptime :: Tier 6 :: Always newer versions :: Plus heaps more! :: Uptime 99%
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353 NewCustom wow2.1.3 100mb custom mob.item
NewCustom wow2.1.3
100mb no lag
custom items
custom mobs
custom lvl to 150
custom event!!!!
give it a try
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West Coast Mangos
West Coast MaNGoS private World of Warcraft server is currently supporting 2.1.3 and TBC. 99.9% uptime, Daily Updates and fixes, Very few bugs, low latency, And there is almost Always a GM online to help you.
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Burning Crusade 2.1.3 ::High Rate Realms :: 2000+ User Caps :: Powerful Dedicated Servers :: Fast Connection :: Lag-Free :: Black Temple :: Tier 6 :: Flying Mounts :: Custom Shops :: Plus heaps more!
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356 Araucano
Servidor FUN (dedicado) versiones 2.1.x o superiores
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357 Mein WoW PServer
Wey willkommen auf unseren PServer wir ibeten euch ein blizzlike und ein Fun Server sidn auf version 2.1.3 ganz neu kommt doch mal und schaut rein!!!!!
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358 Extended-WoW Germany Middle and Funrealm
Neuer Server, bereits ?ber 280 Accounts |
2Realms Middlerate und Fun | Einzigartige Treffpunkte f?r beide Seiten | Tier H?ndler und vieles mehr.
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359 019-Wow Server [Location: Orebro Sweden]
Modyfied Wow-server with higher xp-rate, drop-rate etc... We hope you enjoy your stay at our server.
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360 WoWIS
Warcraft Italian Shard
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361 DarkRealm
TBC 2.1.3 Ascent server on 24/7 Great GMs, Elite Players, updated at least once a week, Custom Items, Vendors, NPC Teleporter, GM Tokens, Events, Requirements taken off all mounts....
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362 Judofyr
A really cool server! Level cap is allways 10 lvl over official servers! Nice GM's!
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363 Deathstorm Blizzlike server
A nice new little sever with lots of fun, Friendly gm's 50%xp 35%drop, 1000 player cap, lvl 80 and a new island with lvl 80's mobs, new items. Try it :)
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364 .:: ZeroNiX WoW ::.
-=/=- Version . 2.1.3 -=/=- Drop/XP . Blizzlike -=/=- Connection . 100 Mbit
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365 Wizardworld (wow tbc fun server)
join us and see the difference,Trough our work whi try to settle a
friendly relationship with players based on consideration
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366 Bacon 'n Eggs WoW
Funserver! Instant Lvl 90! FREE Tier and Weapon Sets! HIGH Gold and Drop rates! NO LAGG, NO GLITCHES. 98% Working server. Uptime: 24/7. Fast CONNECTION! Looking for friendly GMs!
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367 ...:::AFK-WoW:::...
Custom Tier 7 | New Dungeon Frozen Throne | Custom Battle Grounds | Custom Teleporters and shopping center | Great community | Helpful GM | 99.9% Up time | Xp x50 | Drop x50 | Gold x50 | ::PVP::| Tons of the evnets | Join us now!
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368 Armadda Funserver
Armadda Funserver is a Custom server which has a custom shopping mall with many custom NPCs and vendors! Come and join our server for a better place to play :)
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369 Metaplane
Unique World of Warcraft (2.1.3) Realms (x1 & x100).We have features that you won't see even on the OFFICIAL realms! Not some "custom items&vendors crap",but the real innovations:two new factions,town sieges and many more! WE MOD WOW!!!...
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370 Souldbound Crusader
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371 Thullife WOW
Thullife 2.1.3 German Server Burning Crusade Included! :: 1GBit Connection :: 2000+ User Cap :: 2.1.3 Servers:: Lag-Free :: Friendly GMs :: Discussion Boards :: Constant Uptime :: PVP/RP-PVE ::...
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372 Ascent WoW Server
Ascent WoW Server
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373 World of Warground
Deutscher Highrate Server | Patch 2.1.x | Nette GM's | Spitzen-Support! | Player-Treff | UND UND UND...
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374 Azznioth The Server
Instant 70, Up to T3 in custom gear, tons of custom stuff, custom instances, and more done every minute of the day! Dedicated server makes the server literally lagless, LITERALLY for up to like 1000 people! Join now!
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server versao 2.1.3 FUN max lvl 250 server dedicado 24h
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376 World of Warcraft Free Private Server
Tired of strange rates and lame Battlegrounds against players that bought their gear? Join us in a completely blizzlike server for people that want to enjoy Raiding and Battlegrounds the way it was always done. Go to our website and go on Register fo
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377 in dying days GM server
awsome server were everyone is a gm creat your own weapons and areas
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378 Revolution WOW-Server
Wir bieten euch einen herforagenden Server mit 100 MB/s Anbindung.
Server ist auf einen 64 BIT System erstellt und ist durch den Restarter des Server automatisch (fast) imemr on!

Die Rates werden jeden Monat durch bitten von Spieler ge?nder
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379 Instanz Online
Neuer PVP Server - Burning Crusade 2.1.3 :: Schnelle Anbindung :: Keine Lags :: konstante Verbindung :: T6 :: Flugmounts :: wechselnde Events - CHARS VON ANDEREN SERVERN WERDEN WIEDER HERGESTELLT!
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380 FreeDOM
Русский сервер World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade 2.1.3
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381 Shadow Enclave
Supported Clients 2.1.x

Server Details

Kill Rate x3
Quest Rate x2
Explore Rate x2
Item Drop x3
Gold Drop x5

Regeneration in Tawern x2
Regeneration in Wildernes x2

Working STuFF:
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382 Unholy Drilidan
Honor= 10 XP= 50 QuestXP= 50 Drop= 20 DropMoney= 30
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383 Wow.Legion
Welcome to the World of Warcraft Burning Crusade New Fun Server up 24/7 good community, friendly GM's!
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384 UWC
good site ;) and nice server
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385 Terrorkom-Network
Connect over Hamachi
Full TBC, Patch 2.0.0 to 2.1.... can join
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386 Black Thunder Wow
+++Deutscher WoW Server+++---+++ Shapping mall , nette GM's , 24/7 Online, ect. Mehr auf unserer Seite
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387 World of Warcraft - Izar Server
Server specs:
Inter(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz

Drop Rates:
Items - 2x
Money - 5x

Exp Rates:
Kill - 5x
Quest - 8x
Explore - 10x;
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388 Digital Hell Saga
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389 Fair WoW
Finally a professionally run private wow server!

TBC 2000 User Cap, Lag-Free. Our GMs are not corrupt, and do not play favorites. The GMs are not allowed to use any gm powers on characters except to help with support tickets, not even on their
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390 ☼ WoWXL - 2.1.x ☼
15x Faster than regular WoW :: All Skills and Instances WORK :: Flying Mounts in Azeroth :: Tier 6 and 7 items :: Fast City to City ports :: Lich King Sword and Gun :: 100% Lag Free :: Online 24/7
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391 Bastion Crusades
Jest to polski server na patcha 2.1.0 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 i moze bedzie na 2.0.0 potrzebujemy was gracze
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392 FUN 2.2.3 TBC Server
Fun Server Running The Latest Patchs NO LAG 24/7 UPTIME GREAT XP AND DROP RATES !!!CUSTOM INSTANCES!!!, Daily Events With Custom Wepons And Gear For Prizes...COME PLAY WOW LIKE YOU NEVER HAVE BEFORE
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393 Tempest Rage (FUNSERVER) 24/7
Tempest Rage is a 24/7 fun server that is new and growing really fast. with frenidy gms that are always online to help you. there is a custom mall with venders and portals in every city. northran t7 and two new playable races will be up soon. High Dr
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394 The Bloodthurst
TBC 2.1.X, kills x3, quests x3, pvp, guild cities (cities are in a secrete unused area, the normal cities were not changed), pvp in guild city area
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395 My guild website
My wow Guildwebsite
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396 ColdSide WOW [TBC 2.1.3] Fun Server
Instant level 80! 2-6 teir vendors! ring, trinket, neck, shoulder, mount, boot vendors and more! everything free! 99.9% uptime! x1000 gold drop rate! and more!
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397 WoW Hacks, Exploits
Free wow hacks, exploits, active free community, join now and get access to various guides, tweaks, hacks, exploits and more!
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398 New Old School WoW!
TBC Server requires hamachi full setup info available on my site. Supports versions 2.0.8 up to 2.1.0. Insane money rates and vendors =D portals as well!
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399 guild page
my wow guild page
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400 Kleopatra World of Warcraft
The Best Russian Pirate Server
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